Spring IO 2017 just finished! I had an amazing time here in sunny Barcelona. The talks were amazing and the conference was really well organised. Big thanks to Sergi Almar and his team for this.
The talks which I attended with further links:
Keynote: The Only Constant Is Change by Andy Wilkinson & Stéphane Nicoll https://github.com/snicoll-demos/demo-webflux-streaming
Reactor 3, the reactive foundation for Java 8 (and Spring 5) by Simon Baslé https://speakerdeck.com/simonbasle/reactor-3
Testing for Unicorns by Alex Soto AssertJ(assertions), Awaitability(asynchr), REST-assured, Hoverfly(Serv. Virtualization), ArquilianAPE(persistence)
Front Ends for Back End Developers by Matt Raible https://speakerdeck.com/mraible/front-ends-for-back-end-developers-spring-io-2017
New in Spring 5: Functional Web Framework by Arjen Potsma https://github.com/poutsma/web-function-sample
The Future of Event-driven Microservices with Spring Cloud Stream by Kenny Bastani https://github.com/kbastani/event-stream-processing-microservices
Awesome Tools to Level Up Your Spring Cloud Architecture by Andreas Evers https://github.com/ordina-jworks/microservices-dashboard
Reactive Spring by Josh Long & Mark Heckler https://github.com/joshlong/flux-flix-service
Data processing with micro services by Michael Minella https://github.com/mminella/data-microservices
Harnessing the Power of Spark & Cassandra within your Spring App by Steve Pember https://github.com/spember/spark-cass-spring-demo
Functional web applications with Spring and Kotlin by Sébastien Deleuze https://speakerdeck.com/sdeleuze/functional-web-applications-with-spring-and-kotlin
The Road to Serverless: Functions as Applications by Dave Syer https://github.com/dsyer/spring-cloud-function http://presos.dsyer.com/decks/road-to-serverless.html
Caching Made Beautiful by Neil Stevenson. https://github.com/neilstevenson/springIO2017
Reactive Meets Data Access by Christoph Strobl https://github.com/christophstrobl/spring-data-reactive-demo
Develop and Run your Spring Boot application on Google App Engine Flexible by Rafael Sanchez https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/cloud-app-engine-springboot
Other demos from talks which I could not attend.
- https://github.com/mploed/event-driven-spring-boot
- https://www.slideshare.net/StevePember/surviving-in-a-microservices-environment
- https://github.com/bclozel/webflux-workshop
- Splitting component containers to simplify dependencies
- Getting Thymeleaf Ready for Spring 5 and Reactive
The talks will be soon on Youtube just like last year.