Centralized logging on AWS with Boxfuse

· January 14, 2017

In a previous post we saw what steps we needed to do in order to configure a service running on multiple EC2 instances to use CloudWatch Logs as a centralized logging tool. In this post we will use Boxfuse to deploy our cloudwatch-logs-demo app and configure logging leveraging again CloudWatch Logs.

$ git clone https://github.com/altfatter/boxfuse-demo
$ cd boxfuse-demo
$ mvn clean package
$ java -jar target/java -jar target/boxfuse-demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Create a Boxfuse application

First we create a new Boxfuse application in Boxfuse console with the following command.

$ boxfuse create -app.type=load-balanced -logs.type=cloudwatch-logs

Creating cloudwatch-logs-demo ...
Mapping cloudwatchlogsdemo-dev-altfatterz.boxfuse.io to ...
Created app cloudwatch-logs-demo (type: load-balanced, db: none, logs: cloudwatch-logs)

In Boxfuse Console you should see the following:

Log Group

The details regarding the type of application you can find here. The load-balanced type makes sure our application will be setup with an elastic load balancer with an auto-scaling group. Note that if you run boxfuse run before it will automatically create the application in Boxfuse console with the default application type which is Single Instance (Elastic IP). In order to fix it, you could destroy the application with boxfuse destroy and then re-create the application with the boxfuse create command.

Running locally with on VirtualBox

Create a Boxfuse Image:

$ boxfuse fuse

Fusing Image for cloudwatch-logs-demo-0.0.1.jar (Spring Boot) ...
Image fused in 00:04.964s (69709 K) -> altfatterz/cloudwatch-logs-demo:0.0.1

List available images locally:

$ boxfuse ls 

Images available locally:
| Image                                 |            Payload             | Debug |           Runtime           |    Ports     |  Size   |    Generated at     |
| altfatterz/cloudwatch-logs-demo:0.0.1 | cloudwatch-logs-demo-0.0.1.jar | false | Java 8.112.16 (Spring Boot) | http -> 8080 | 69709 K | 2017-01-14 19:14:33 |

Launch an instance:

$ boxfuse run altfatterz/cloudwatch-logs-demo:0.0.1 '-envvars.SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=$BOXFUSE_ENV'

Launching Instance of altfatterz/cloudwatch-logs-demo:0.0.1 on VirtualBox ...
Forwarding http port localhost:8080 -> vb-13f74e0b:8080
Instance launched in 00:02.894s -> vb-13f74e0b
Waiting for payload to start on vb-13f74e0b:8080 (expecting HTTP 200 at /health within 300s)
vb-13f74e0b =>  2017-01-14 18:16:31.448  INFO 667 --- [           main] c.example.CloudWatchLogsDemoApplication  : The following profiles are active: boxfuse
Successfully started payload in 00:29.097s ->

The run command auto-detects the port configured in the server.port property in Spring Boot’ configuration. You can override the port with the -port.http=<port> option. If the specified port is already taken, it will select another port. It is worth to note, that that the boxfuse run command would have fused the image for us if there is no boxfuse image yet, we just wanted to show the steps what is happening. By default the boxfuse profile is activated, with the -envvars.SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=$BOXFUSE_ENV we specify a profile which corresponds to the current Boxfuse environment (in this case dev). Note the BOXFUSE_ENV environment variable is only available within the Boxfuse instance, so you must prevent variable expansion by using single quotes.

Viewing instances:

$ boxfuse ps

Running Instances on VirtualBox in the dev environment :
|  Instance   |                 Image                 |        Type         |          URL          |     Launched at     |
| vb-13f74e0b | altfatterz/cloudwatch-logs-demo:0.0.1 | 4 CPU / 1024 MB RAM | | 2017-01-14 19:16:22 |

You can shut down the instance with boxfuse kill <instance-id> command. Images can be removed with the boxfuse rm <image> command, which implicitly shuts down running all of its instances before deleting the image.

Run on AWS

Pushing image to Boxfuse Vault

$ boxfuse push  altfatterz/cloudwatch-logs-demo:0.0.1

Configure security group and IAM profile

$ boxfuse cfg cloudwatch-logs-demo -env=test -securitygroup=sg-cdc7cca5 -instanceprofile=arn:aws:iam::617057429158:instance-profile/CloudWatch-Logs-Write-Access

Launch instances

The following command

$ boxfuse run altfatterz/cloudwatch-logs-demo:0.0.1 '-envvars.SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=$BOXFUSE_ENV' -env=test -capacity=2:t2.micro

Boxfuse will create an Amazon AMI from the image altfatterz/cloudwatch-logs-demo:0.0.1 stored in Boxfuse Vault.

Access the service

To access the service you can run the following command which will launch the url in your default browser:

$ boxfuse open -env=test

CloudWatch Logs

Boxfuse creates a boxfuse\<boxfuse-environment> log group with <username>/<application-name> log stream with a json structured log entry:

    "instance": "i-0f99ce9d5ed52ea27",
    "image": "altfatterz/cloudwatch-logs-demo:0.0.1",
    "level": "INFO",
    "message": "2017-01-15 14:39:44.322  INFO 907 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] com.example.ApplicationInfoController    : handling info request on instance with ip"

Log entries from CloudWatch Logs can be streamed via the command:

$ boxfuse logs -logs.tail -env=test

look at: https://boxfuse.com/blog/cloudwatch-logs https://boxfuse.com/vs/docker


Starting with Boxfuse Client new applications are automatically configured for CloudWatch Logs by default, both when using the client as well as the console.
